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Cruzin With Steak

Jun 24, 2020

Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, ThatGuy, Bstrut, Flavortown, Mellowhorus, Nickie the Dude, Zac Hawkins, and Suzanne!! We talk about current news, tractors?, and the Integratron.  Enjoy the chat!

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Jun 17, 2020

Grim is missing James this week but is joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega, B.Strut, ThatGuy. Flavortown, Zac Hawkins, Nickie the dude, and Suzanne to talk about all the fun and exciting things happening in the world and probably some controversial shit too. Enjoy the chat!

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Jun 10, 2020

Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega, B.Strut, ThatGuy, Flavortown, Nickie the dude, and special guests Midnight Mike from OBDM and Melissa Martell from The Secret Door Podcast. I should tale notes during the show, but there was some great conversation and the show flew by! Enjoy the chat!


Jun 4, 2020

Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega, ThatGuy, B.Strut, Mellowhorus, Flavortown, Nickie the dude, and Suzanne!! We all just gave our opinions on the current events in the world. It was a great chat! 

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