Sep 30, 2020
Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, ThatGuy, B.Strut,
Flavortown, Nickie the dude, Zac Hawkins, Armouro, and Suzanne. We
attempt to watch the debates, bitch about politics, and talk about
anything else that comes to mind! enjoy the chat!!
oh yea grimerica fm is down so we streamed video to Jerry's DLive
Sep 23, 2020
Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega,
ThatGuy, B.Strut, Flavortown, Nickie the Dude, Zac Hawkins, and
Suzanne! We celebrate the birth of a baby Cruz, lots of mask talk,
and more of the usual ramblings of opinions nobody wants or needs.
Enjoy the chat!!
Support us financially...
Sep 16, 2020
Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega
ThatGuy, B.Strut, Flavortown, Zac Hawkins, and Nickie the Dude.
(insert clever description here). Enjoy the chat!!
Support us financially at or
Check out our anime review show Shonen...
Sep 9, 2020
Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, ThatGuy, B.Strut,
Flavortown, Nickie the Dude, and Zac Hawkins! Lot's of spicy steak
takes this episode. Check out
. Enjoy the chat!
Support us financially at or
Check out our...
Sep 2, 2020
We're joined by Jerry Cthulhu, ThatGuy, B.Strut, Flavortown, Nickie the dude, Zac Hawkins, Suzanne, and special guest Dexter De La Paz from The Gaslight Hour. Dex shares some boots on the ground reporting in Kenosha and we talk a wide range of conspiracy's. Check out Dex on twitter at @DogManRespecter and the podcast...