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Cruzin With Steak

Jul 31, 2020

Grimsteak, Jerry Cthulhu, and B.Strut Bill talk to Athen Chimenti about his use of the Sidereal zodiac, Astrological forecasts, Grim gets his chart read, and peppered in some anime talk, of course. Check out Athen's website at for readings, courses, and links to his videos. Enjoy the...

Jul 29, 2020

Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega, B.Strut, ThatGuy, Nickie the Dude, Flavortown, and Suzanne! We talk about all the news bullshit and have a bunch of fun conversations. Enjoy the chat!!

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Jul 22, 2020

Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, B.Strut, ThatGuy, Flavortown, Zac Hawkins, and Suzanne to talk about recent events and happenings, and also a ton of other random shit. Enjoy the chat!

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Check out our anime review...

Jul 15, 2020

Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega, B.Strut, Flavortown, Nickie the Dude, Zac Hawkins, and Suzanne! Niish and Keats appear also, and Failed!! It's a 3 year anniversary extravaganza!! Enjoy the chat!!

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Jul 8, 2020

Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega, B.Strut, ThatGuy, Flavortown, Zac Hawkins, Nickie the Dude, Watcher, and Keats Ross. We talk about current events and a bunch of other fun shit! Enjoy the chat!



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