Nov 29, 2018
On this Episode Grim, James, Jerry, and Felix have a real loose
and fun conversation. We talk insane asylums, teledildonics, the
THOT audit, and a mess of other stuff. Enjoy the chat!
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Live Shows every Tuesday at 9est
Nov 22, 2018
In this episode Grim, James, and Felix talk about Thanksgiving.
Share some stories, play some jams, and read some paranormal
Thanksgiving stories. Enjoy the chat!
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Live Shows every Tuesday at 9est
Special Thanks go out to our...
Nov 15, 2018
Episode 69! In this show James and Grim are joined by Jerry
Cthulhu( and Felix Ortega ( to
talk about the history or porn, personal stories of the sexual
variety, sexual encounters with paranormal entities, and Grim reads
some Bigfoot Erotica. Enjoy the chat!
Join our Discord...
Nov 8, 2018
In this episode James and Grim and around by Nemo Magistus. Nemo was introduced to us by ThatGuy, so big shout out to him for this chat. We go into ancient genetics, ancient people, ancient everything but aliens. Nemo does independent research and doesn't have a book or a blog or anything to promote, so just sit back...
Nov 2, 2018
In this Episode we begin with a couple spooky stories told by Jestin Sallas of Cat in the Box ( We're then joined by Jerry Cthulhu( and Felix Ortega( to chat about Halloween stuff and media shenanigans. Kind of a slow start to the show but then Garrett Lee from the...