May 29, 2019
On this episode Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu,
Felix Ortega, ThatGuy, Jacob Bacchus, and Suzanne! We talk about
the UFO psi-op being played on us and a bunch of other cool shit.
Enjoy the chat!!
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Live Shows every Tuesday at 9est...
May 22, 2019
EPISODE 100!! We did it! In this celebration of 100 episodes James and Grim are joined by Jerry Cthulhu and Felix Ortega! We reminisce about past shows, read listener emails, and Felix created a madlib and had listeners give input throughout the entire show culminating in an epic tale of cws at the end. Thanks everyone...
May 15, 2019
On this episode James and Grim are joined by Jerry Cthulhu,
Felix Ortega, ThatGuy, Suzanne, and Jake. We pay resepcts to a man
who was a legend in Ufology, Stanton Friedman. RIP to a real one.
After that we talk about a bunch of other fun and interesting shit.
Enjoy the chat!
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May 8, 2019
On this episode James and Grim are joined by Jerry Cthulhu,
Felix Ortega, ThatGuy, and Suzanne. We talk about how cosmology is
all wrong and a bunch of other stuff. Enjoy the chat!
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Live Shows every Tuesday at 9est
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May 1, 2019
In this episode Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega, Watcher, Jacob, and Suzanne. We start out with the coup in Venezuela and spiral from there. Check out friend of the show, Taylor Bell's, kickstarter for his Tarot deck. Its almost funded so if you can help it that would be great!