Apr 28, 2018
Interview starts at 24:48
In this episode James, Grim, and Jerry Cthulhu talk with the
mastermind John Brisson. John runs a blog and has a
book https://fixyourgut.com/ . In
this episode we cover Alex Jones, Trump, Conspiracys, Mandela
Effect and alternate dimensions, wrestling, and fixin your gut. It
was a pleasure...
Apr 21, 2018
Interview starts at 33:44
In the intro we are joined by Jerry Cthulhu and Felix Ortega. Felix
plays us a song and Jerry tells us about his awesome interview with
Gordon White that he had on Nox Mente.
In this episode James, Grim, and special guest host Felix Ortega,
talk to Graham Dunlop! Graham is co-host to the very...
Apr 14, 2018
In this episode Grim and James talk to Matt Belair about everything fringe from pyramid technology to ancient aliens to everything Mind, Body, and Spirit. Living a life dedicated to acquiring the skills and knowledge to help others on their paths to greatness, has brought Matt Belair to a level of expertise attained by...