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Cruzin With Steak

Sep 27, 2019

in this episode we turn our focus to the phenomenon known as Manga and Anime. Grim, James, and Flavortown discuss origins of anime, some of the biggest influencers in the industry, suggest great shows for beginners, and great shows if you're a fan. Enjoy the chat!

Sep 25, 2019

James and Grim are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Suzanne, Flavortown, Mellowhorus, B.Strut, and ThatGuy. We chatted about Greta, impeachment, and a ton of other fun shit. Enjoy the chat!

Check out fora fun time in October with the Conspirinormal crew!


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Sep 18, 2019

On this episode Grim and James are joined by Felix Ortega, ThatGuy, Suzanne, and new listener of the show Coda. Coda is our token zoomer so he airs some grievances about the education system, ThatGuy talks about his gambler race, and we ramble about cryptids and ufo sightings for a little bit. Enjoy the chat!


Sep 11, 2019

In this episode James and Grim are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Suzanne, Leonidas, B.Strut, Nickie the Dude, and Jestin Sallas. We discuss our recent adventure to cryptidcon in lexington, KY. Enjoy the Chat! 

Check out fora fun time in October with the Conspirinormal crew!



Sep 4, 2019

On this ep James and Grim are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Felix Ortega, ThatGuy, Flavortown, and MellowHorus. We chat about pterodactyl sightings (which we quickly debunk), Our trip to CryptidCon this weekend, and theorize the existence of dinosaurs. Enjoy the Chat!!

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