Feb 27, 2018
Last time Brandon was on he told us about his burning man experience. I suggest everyone go back to episode 3 and check it out! This time we talked about hidden treasures (http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/page/22148559/FrontPage) Ufo's, conspiracy culture, and a ton of other awesome stuff!! Follow Brandon on Twitter...
Feb 17, 2018
In this episode James amd Grimsteak are joined by Nomad to have an amazing conversation with Marina Jacobi. She talks to us about Energy Philathropy in the Quantum Field, Detox, and raising vibrations! You can find all Marina's books and links to her channeling sessions, which is all put out for...
Feb 2, 2018
In this episode James and Grim talk with Mike from the podcast Very Dark Very Quick. VDVQ is a unique podcast where they pick a topic and discuss it with lots of humor and nonsense! We discussed a wide array of topics from sports to cryptids! It was an awesome chat with an awesome dude! check out their webside at