Sep 24, 2017
Interview starts at 47:00...but i suggest listening to the
intro's for a perfect balance of nonsense and stimulating
In this Episode, Grimsteak and James are once again joined by Jerry
Cthulhu(@jablan on twitter, to
interview the one and only Red Pill Junkie! Rpj is a blogger,
author, and artist, and is a major voice in the field of Ufology
and Forteana. He got his start blogging for and
has since contributed to countless blogs and a new book called
UFO's: Reframing the Debate, where several researchers in the field
contributed to create a new way of looking at the UFO phenomena.
You can find rpj at or
his website .
You can also follow him on twitter @red_pill_junkie or find him on
facebook. Show notes for things we discussed in this episode can be
found at thanks
to Jerry, who is much more professional and prepared than James and
Grim...Enjoy the Show guys!!!!
In the Intro we were joined by Jerry Cthulhu, Sean "killghar"
Shamless, Failed, and Adam from the HIVE.
Special Thanks go out to our Executive Producers:
Liberal Mike
Ryne Sigurdson
Darren Grimes
Ryan - Ascended Minds
Without you guys this show wouldn't be possible! love you all of
Also thanks go out to Darren and Graham from Grimerica
for setting up the chatroom that brought us all together!
thanks also go out to Sean Shameless for providing the Zoom
server and Sir Felix Ortega II for providing all the jingles and
outtro music. Check out and support felix's work at
Check out our website at
Follow us on Twitter @cruzinwithsteak @gromsteak @jamesCruz_cle
Support the show ! All donations are insanely appreciated!
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