Sep 12, 2017
In this episode, James and Grimsteak are joined by Sean
"Killghar" Shameless(@sean_shameless), Failed(
and Suzanne(@bettyclares1) to talk some 9/11 conspiracies and
whatever else comes into our mind. Intro Featured all these people
plus Jerry Cthulu(@jablan) and Nomad(@nomadninjaghost). It's almost
like 2 shows in 1 because of the hour long intro that spontaneously
happened! Hope you enjoy our lazy ramblings and sometimes
interesting conversation! Love you guys!
Special Thanks go out to our Executive Producers:
Liberal Mike
Ryne Sigurdson
Darren Grimes
Without you guys this show wouldn't be possible! love you all of
Also thanks go out to Darren and Graham from Grimerica
for setting up the chatroom that brought us all together!
thanks also go out to Sean Shameless for providing the Zoom
server and Sir Felix Ortega II for providing all the jingles and
outtro music. Check out and support felix's work at
Check out our website at
Follow us on Twitter @cruzinwithsteak @gromsteak @jamesCruz_cle
Support the show ! All donations are insanely appreciated!
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